10 Steps To Having An Affair The General Petraeus Way

10 Steps To Having An Affair The General Petraeus Way

Losing your job, the respect of your family, and your 37 year marriage, all over a fling, is actually quite easy to do. People do it all the time. Just not while the entire world watches.

It’s worth reminding ourselves that we are no less susceptible to colossal errors in judgment than anyone gracing the headlines. In that spirit, I would like to offer something for us to ponder today.

Here’s the recipe for having a guaranteed affair the General Petraeus way:

  1. Spend a lot of time away from your spouse.
  2. Excuse that time away “Because it’s your job.”
  3. While gone spend lots of time alone with someone of the opposite sex.
  4. Talk about intimate details of your life with that person.
  5. Allow that person to flatter you.
  6. Gather around yourself “yes” people who are afraid to tell you the truth.
  7. Blind yourself to everything you’ll potentially lose because of an affair.
  8. Let your guard down, once.
  9. Lose your job, the respect of your family, and your 37 year marriage.
  10. Realize too late that a few simple precautions could have prevented this.

Anything you’d add to the list?

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