7 Ways To Get Excited About Evangelism This Week

7 Ways To Get Excited About Evangelism This Week

Sharing our faith in Jesus with a non-Christian friend is a privilege. It’s a “get to.” And I believe anyone can do it well.

Here are 7 ways to get excited about sharing your faith this week.

  1. Pick three.
    Don’t focus on trying to save the world. Jesus picked only three people to share his innermost life with evangelistically (Peter, James and John). I’d encourage you to do the same.
  2. Set up a prayer alert.
    Set up something so that you’re alerted to pray every day your top three. This could be as simple as placing a Post-It note in your Bible or on your nightstand. Or you could put an alert in your iPhone or computer. Doesn’t matter. Just do something. Keeping their names in front of you at all times will remind you not only of their need for Jesus, but the incredible blessings that are heading your friends’ way.
  3. Pray “God give me your heart for people far from you.”
    Whenever I spend time with one of the people I’m trying to influence for Christ I’ll pray, “God, give me your heart for _______.” Sometimes I’ll pray this 10-15 times. I want to feelin my gut what God feels for my non-Christian friend.
  4. This weekask one of your three friends, “Has anyone ever explained to you the main idea of Christianity?”
    Simply ask them the question and wait for their response. Then just speak from your heart. Trust me, you already know enough. Share what you know. The key here is to just get started. One conversation will fuel your passion to start others. But start the conversation out of love, not guilt. Here’s a funny skit we did a while back that shows how hard, but important it is to start spiritual conversations.
  5. Ask yourself if you truly believe non-Christians go to hell.
    I didn’t for the longest time. Not coincidentally I didn’t share my faith during that time either. If you don’t believe in hell it will be hard to gather the courage to regularly share your faith for the long haul either. Wrestle this issue to the ground, once and for all. As Carl F.H. Henry said, “The good news is only good if it gets there in time.”
  6. Read a good book about how to share your faith.
    The reason I wrote Hell Is Real (But I Hate To Admit It)was to get Christians fired up about sharing their faith. Besides talking about whywe need to engage in evangelism, I show how to do it by outlining a few easy to follow strategies for introducing your friends to Jesus (without getting really creepy in the process). Lots of people have shared that reading the book was the tipping point that got them excited about sharing their faith again. Another really good resource is Becoming a Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg.
  7. Build a friendship with someone who regularly shares his/her faith.
    Like the way placing an ember and a piece of kindling together will spark a flame, spending time with someone already evangelizing will motivate you like nothing else. Go find someone who is already doing this. Take them to lunch. Ask them to pray for you. Discover their secrets. Get infected with their passion.

Put these action steps in place this week and I promise you’ll see God work through you like never before.

You can do this. I know you can.

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