Dear Friends,
I would like to invite you to join Lisa and me to follow in the steps of the Apostle Paul in Greece and the Greek Islands on June 18-28, 2024!
We’ll spend 6 days on land and 3 days at sea visiting…
- The magical city of Athens and its Parthenon, Agora, and Mars Hill where Paul preached in Acts 17.
- The marketplace where the Apostle Paul supported himself as a tentmaker in the city of ancient Corinth (1-2 Corinthians).
- The cities of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea (Acts 16-17, Philippians, 1-2 Thessalonians) and all the places Paul preached.
- Delphi, one of the wonders of the ancient world, and the Thermopylae pass, the battleground where a Spartan army of “300” held back the Persian forces.
- We’ll visit the island of Patmos where the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation, the city of Ephesus, the hub of the Apostle Paul’s missionary activity (Ephesians), and the island of Crete so important to the Book of Titus. Along the way, we’ll stop at the islands of Santorini and Mykonos
This trip will make the Bible come to life and will be the trip of a lifetime!
Greece is one of the hottest places right now for international travel so I know space will fill up fast.
If you’d like to join us use this link here to...
- Read the brochure.
- Fill out the reservation form.
- Send in your deposit and a copy of your passport.
Brian and Lisa Jones