Stop Inviting Christians To Church

Stop Inviting Christians To Church

Yesterday, while teaching “Welcome to CCV” (our introductory 101 class for new people), it struck me that there were an unusually high percentage of Christians in the room.

Normally this doesn’t bother other pastors.

But it does bother me.


Our church has committed since day one to grow through conversion growth only.

There are three reasons we don’t want Christians to leave their churches and start attending CCV:

  1. It’s Unhealthy For CCV

Unlike people who move from out of state and legitimately need to find a new local church home, Christians that leave their church down the street and start attending CCV oftentimes have an agenda. Or have a history of creating division. Or refuse to resolve conflict in a biblical way.

  1. It’s Unhealthy For Them

98% of the time Christians leave their church to find another one because of personal character issues they are unwilling address. Oh, they may mask their issues with excuses like “We’re not being fed,” but the reality is all they really want is for people to feed them in ways they’re not stating (i.e. coddle, placate, and stroke their egos). Rarely does a Christian transfer to another church because they’re picking up their cross and following Jesus to your doorstep.

  1. It’s Not A Win For The Kingdom

Finally, and this is the most important reason not to invite a Christian to CCV: our mission is to reach lost people. Matthew 28:18-20 gives us our marching orders. Go find non-Christians. Reach them. Teach them. And then send them. Inviting Christians is the exact opposite of what we’ve been commanded to do.

So CCV’ers (and my other Christian friends around the world), stop inviting your Christian friends to church.

Instead, start praying every day for three friends who are far from God.

Love on them.

Pray for God to open up a door to have substantive conversations with them about their spiritual health.

And then invite those people to join us in the life and mission Jesus has given us.

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