The Privileges Of Local Church Membership

The Privileges Of Local Church Membership

It’s a privilege to be a member of a local church. I don’t “have to” participate in a local church, I “get to” participate.

  • It’s a privilege to know there are people who will surround me and love me in my time of need; even when to outsiders I am utterly unlovable.
  • It’s a privilege to be forgiven, but its an even greater privilege to have people with skin of them remindme that I’m forgiven.
  • It’s a privilege to interact with people who are different from me ethnically and socio—economically, for each relationship shows me different aspects of the nature and character of God.
  • It’s a privilege to be a part of a community that honors the elderly, those with special needs, the broken, the hurting and those looking for a fresh start.
  • It’s a privilege to serve, week in and week out, in times when I feel like it and in times when I definitely do not, because serving is more about allowing ourselves to nobly be treated like a servant, than trying to act like one.

The local church is undoubtedly the most magnificent, potent and vital force for beauty and change this world has ever seen.

And it is a privilege to be a part of it.

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