What Would You Tell A Gay Couple With Kids? – Rethinking Homosexuality (Part 2)

What Would You Tell A Gay Couple With Kids? – Rethinking Homosexuality (Part 2)

While I was serving as an associate pastor at a large church in Florida years ago two people approached me after Wednesday night Bible study.

“We’d like to become Christians,” they said with smiles on their faces.

“That’s great! Congratulations!”

“But we’re not going to stop being gay,” they quickly added. “Besides, we’ve been raising our 10 year old son together since he was born. We’re the only family he knows.”

I paused, and then gently said, “Are you familiar with what the Bible says about homosexual activity?”

“Yes. But we have a question for you. Which sin is greater: continuing with the way we choose to live our lives or having one of us move out and ripping apart the only home our son has ever known?”

How would you have answered that question?


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